January 20, 2011

The Results Are In

Well, after an extremely early start last Saturday to mine and Kyle's yardsale adventure, I can successfully say that this adventure might have been better had it been carefully and meticulously planned. But! It was fun hopping in the car, driving around aimlessly, yet careful hunting for signs on huge neon poster-board announcing where the sales are. We ended up venturing into quite a bit of Los Angeles territory, eventually we found ourselves in Altadena, where we found just the absolute perfect item to sustain us for the remainder of the adventure. MAD-LIBS!!! I don't know who came up with the idea, but they are a super genius. I filled in the blanks with everything from leaves to signs, to bugs. haha. Overall, just a great day with my best friend exploring and hanging out :)

January 14, 2011


Well, on Saturday, i plan to wake up way earlier than i should be on a weekend, drive around the city and look at tons of things that people just want to get rid of. Its kinda funny how people go around looking for items that some have deemed useless in the hopes of establishing them in their own lives as viable and useful. That's what I plan on doing... looking for treasures among trash. Maybe i'll find something cool that I can creatively alter or decorate and put in my new room. not yay for waking up early though.

January 9, 2011

New Beginnings, New Semester

Well, with the new year of 2011, come many many changes. I finally got my classes for Spring 2011 at APU, and will be taking: Introduction to Philosophy, Music and Civilization, a freshman required Beginnings course, Exodus/Deuteronomy, Introduction to Literature, and Public Communicaiton. It looks to be a full schedule and in addition to that, I will be attending chapel three times a week, as part of APU's requirements.

I'm so excited to start at APU, because I have many friends who already go there, and hopefully can help me get accustomed to my new schedule. I am also really excited for the upcoming semester because I have been given the opportunity to live on my aunt and uncle's third floor. It keeps me close to home, but not too far away, so that it is still relatively easy to commute. I am so thankful for them and my parents allowing me to live here:)

December 24, 2010

Looks like its time to change...

the name of my blog!!! Because I got into APU for spring semester. After about a month of nervously and not very patiently waiting for an answer, i found out i was accepted yesterday. So next semester, I'll be happily staying home and attending Azusa Pacific University in California. I'm so happy to be able to stay close to home. Thanks for all your prayers!!!

Merry Christmas!

December 10, 2010

Finals Friday

Not only is this my final Friday at Chowan for this first semester, I'm also right in the middle of finals. Two yesterday, for Composition and Basic Design. Just turning in a portfolio for Composition, and having my final critique in Basic Design, for my project in which we had to create a book. Today I have a final in Religion, but I am exempt because I already have an A, so i just have to show up for attendance purposes. Tomorrow, History at 6pm(on a saturday!!!). Sunday a nice break, and Monday, my final Critique in my Fundamentals of Drawing class, then Critical Thinking in the afternoon. After that, I am going down to a friends house because she has so graciously offered to drive me to the airport early early Tuesday morning for my flight to see Amber!!!! Yay!

Still no word from APU, but hoping and praying to hear from them soon so I can plan next semester. Be home in 6 days!!!

December 6, 2010


I've been really inspired by my cousin Sean's Tenderloin Project recently, and have begun to sketch out some of the photos that he's captured. I love the Dale's Hands adaptations that he's asked other artists to do for his galleries, and it sparked my interest. I may try and develop my drawing more, but its just a rough sketch for now. I'm planning on attempting similar mock-ups based off of some of his other photos. 

December 4, 2010


Well, I just stood outside in the first snowfall of the year. Coming to North Carolina definitely has it's perks. The weather forecasted snow, yet I was still unsure if it'd really snow. But, alas it has, and I experienced actual snow falling for the first time that I can remember, and was able to snap a few pictures, the best of which you can see below. Oh, and we're down to ten days til I'm in Texas and thirteen til I'm home! YAY

November 30, 2010

AND it begins...

Exactly two weeks til I'm in Bryan, Texas with the cousins! WOOHOOO!!! I can not wait to see Amber and Adolfo. I haven't seen them since August, and it'll be so great to see them. After Tuesday and Wednesday with them, we all hop on a plane heading to California Thursday morning, and there we'll spend Christmas.

News on the homefront, I am looking to transfer, possibly this spring to Azusa Pacific U (APU). My application is hopefully being processed as I type. Hopefully I'll know if I've been accepted or not before I head home for break, because then I will know for sure where I'll be next semester. Please keep me in your thoughts:)

"slow down, calm down, don't worry, don't hurry, trust the process"

November 18, 2010

The Start of My Life as a Library Worker

Well tonight I had my first 3-hr shift working in the library as a full-fledged student worker. After about an hour of training, my first task was to "shelf-read". I took a list printed from the catalog, and went to the designated section. My job was to make sure that the call number and barcode on the list matched the numbers on the actual books. I went through about three hundred books, and read more titles than I knew were possible. BUT... I felt very productive for the first time this semester, and I will be getting paid for it. All in all, a very good evening. And, next week is Thanksgiving, so this semester is looking up.

November 11, 2010

Walk at the Cemetery

The brisk autumn breeze whipping at my face as I ascend the stairs from the Metro sets the mood for my adventure. I wasn't quite sure what drew me towards Arlington National Cemetery, but I was sure that it was no one motivator. Walking through the wrought iron gates, I felt as if a hush fell over the land stretched before me.
As I began my course through the vast grounds, I couldn't help but feel as if I were simply one more passerby. The millions of visitors that have come and gone from the hallowed cemetery are as numerous as the thousands that have come to stay at Arlington. The gravestones seemed to spread out in every direction from wherever I stood. The cold gray stones against the green lawns, protected from the blue skies by trees covered in warm orange, red and yellow fall leaves. Every emotion could be felt at some point throughout the cemetery.
With no real planned exploration, I began to wind my way along the paths past gravestone on which read names of soldiers spanning time, No beginning and no end to the pain of loss. Up a slightly elevated plateau burns the eternal flame. The gravesite of President John F. Kennedy, one of two presidents buried at Arlington.
Surrounding his memorial were signs reading, “Silence and Respect”. A reminder to every visitor of the honor deserved by every fallen soldier who rests here. It was impossible to even think of uttering a word and silence enshrouded the entire cemetery. Even amidst the noise and mayhem of Washington DC, Arlington lay still. Much more than the National Cemetery, but a symbol of pain and struggle.
Slightly more centrally on the grounds rests the homage to the Unknown Soldiers. Perhaps the most revered location within the entire cemetery. Protected by guards every second of every day, in every season and any weather. The guards who dutifully watch the tomb are members of the most elite Honor Guard. A job rewarded to only the most dedicated soldiers.
Even more revere than the duty of each member of the Honor Guard is the Changing of the Guard Ceremony. Each step rehearsed, every breath practiced. The belief held by each that, “Soldiers never die until they are forgotten. Tomb Guards never forget.” Even though the names of every unknown soldier are known only to God, they are held with the utmost dignity by every guard.