December 24, 2010

Looks like its time to change...

the name of my blog!!! Because I got into APU for spring semester. After about a month of nervously and not very patiently waiting for an answer, i found out i was accepted yesterday. So next semester, I'll be happily staying home and attending Azusa Pacific University in California. I'm so happy to be able to stay close to home. Thanks for all your prayers!!!

Merry Christmas!

December 10, 2010

Finals Friday

Not only is this my final Friday at Chowan for this first semester, I'm also right in the middle of finals. Two yesterday, for Composition and Basic Design. Just turning in a portfolio for Composition, and having my final critique in Basic Design, for my project in which we had to create a book. Today I have a final in Religion, but I am exempt because I already have an A, so i just have to show up for attendance purposes. Tomorrow, History at 6pm(on a saturday!!!). Sunday a nice break, and Monday, my final Critique in my Fundamentals of Drawing class, then Critical Thinking in the afternoon. After that, I am going down to a friends house because she has so graciously offered to drive me to the airport early early Tuesday morning for my flight to see Amber!!!! Yay!

Still no word from APU, but hoping and praying to hear from them soon so I can plan next semester. Be home in 6 days!!!

December 6, 2010


I've been really inspired by my cousin Sean's Tenderloin Project recently, and have begun to sketch out some of the photos that he's captured. I love the Dale's Hands adaptations that he's asked other artists to do for his galleries, and it sparked my interest. I may try and develop my drawing more, but its just a rough sketch for now. I'm planning on attempting similar mock-ups based off of some of his other photos. 

December 4, 2010


Well, I just stood outside in the first snowfall of the year. Coming to North Carolina definitely has it's perks. The weather forecasted snow, yet I was still unsure if it'd really snow. But, alas it has, and I experienced actual snow falling for the first time that I can remember, and was able to snap a few pictures, the best of which you can see below. Oh, and we're down to ten days til I'm in Texas and thirteen til I'm home! YAY